London IoTs Take Over the Science Museum

Last week (18th - 20th June) saw Institutes of Technology (IoTs) take over Technicians: the David Sainsbury Gallery, an interactive careers gallery aimed at young people, at the Science Museum. 

Last week saw Institutes of Technology (IoTs) take over the Technicians: the David Sainsbury Gallery, an interactive careers gallery aimed at young people, at the Science Museum. Our three London IoTs – East London, London City, and West London Institute of Technology – collaborated to bring real technicians to the gallery and give hundreds of local key stage 3 and 4 pupils an insight into their work and the importance of technicians now and in the future.

The three-day takeover was the first collaboration of its kind between IoTs in the network and aimed to bring technical education and careers to life for young people and inspire them to pursue a path as a technician.  Nearly 600 pupils attended, and had the chance to try their hands at STEM activities and use techniques used by technicians in interactives across the gallery that included programming robots, getting hands-on with process automation equipment and using their problem-solving skills to protect an egg dropped from a height. Students also had the opportunity to engage with the gallery’s permanent interactive exhibition to learn about the wide range of technician roles and how integral these are to so many industries, including advanced manufacturing, creative, energy, and health.

“It was brilliant to see the Institutes of Technology on gallery engaging with lots of young people and teachers to showcase the exciting, rewarding, inspiring work of technicians and the messages about the importance of technicians now and in the future”

Ginny Page, Director of Programmes, Gatsby Foundation.

IoTs are integral to putting the next generation of technicians on the path to success through the delivery of high-quality, employer-led higher technical education. Working across England, we are addressing the skills needs of employers through the collaboration of further education, higher education and employers.

Interested in exploring partnership opportunities with IoTs? Use our interactive map to find the one nearest to you.

Further information about the Technicians: We Make the Difference campaign can be found here.